Each week in Advent, we light a candle. The first candle, which is purple, symbolizes hope. It’s sometimes called the “Prophecy Candle” in remembrance of the prophets who foretold the birth of Christ. It represents the expectation felt in anticipation of the Messiah’s coming.

The second candle, also purple, represents faith. It’s also called the “Bethlehem Candle” as a reminder of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem.

This week in Church we light the third candle which is pink and symbolizes joy (rose is the liturgical colour for joy). It’s also called the “Shepard’s Candle,”  It’s meant to remind us of the joy that the world experienced at the birth of Jesus.

On the fourth week of Advent, we will light the final purple candle which is sometimes called the “Angel’s Candle,”. It symbolizes peace. It reminds us of the message of the angels: “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.”

The white candle placed in the middle of the wreath is to be lit on Christmas Eve. This candle is called the “Christ Candle” and represents the life of Christ. The colour white is for purity—because Christ is our sinless, pure Savior.

The symbolic ritual of lighting the Advent Candles will begin our 5pm and 11pm Christmas Eve services this year. Begin thinking about which service you might attend. And whom will you invite to come along with you to hear the Good News?

If you aren’t planning to invite others, perhaps you would like to join our team of volunteers to help make this the best Christmas ever!? Please let Tanya know if you can help. In particular, we need welcomers and some to help man the BBQ and jumping castle after the 5pm service. Thanks in anticipation of your beautiful service.


 Give the gift of  Clean Water, a Goat or a chicken to someone in the 3rd world!!!
The stall will be open on Sunday 12th and 19th of December in the Foyer before & after the 10.30 service & on Friday 24th December before & after the 5pm service. 


A service of readings, carols and Holy Communion followed by afternoon tea at the Heritage Church at 2pm 13th December.
Please bring finger food preferably of a Christmas flavour to share. Note: for vaccinated people only. Inquiries: Alex 0408118483


Pleasant Tuesday will not run in December or January but will return to CCD in February 2022.

Jeff & Tammy Andrews lead the RITE MENTORING team working among young people in Melbourne & beyond. They provide transformative experiences through which the youth are affirmed, supported & enabled to reach their potential. Lockdown No 6 was very disappointing as many planned camps & events were cancelled. However, PRAISE GOD…..
*Care packs were initiated; building relationships with youth.
* Extra time created by lockdown was well used to develop case work policy & procedures 
*Excellent new mentors were trained ready for future programs.
PRAY: That plans for 2022 come to fruition.
– Pray for our Christmas services and who you might invite to hear the good news.
– For Vi on the passing of her husband.
– For all the homeless people who access resources on site at CCD and need housing. Pray especially for Lisa to get a rental property ASAP.  
– For the Vicarage renovations and funds needed. Give thanks for those who’ve already contributed to this project. May the rest of the needed funds come in!
– For all those struggling with finances, and those who’ve lost jobs recently; for job opportunities and God’s provision.
– For more people to join our gardening and maintenance teams.
– For more volunteers for our Op Shop team.
We value your participation in the body of Christ and want to support your ministry. That’s why we will pay for your level one compliance training. Note: all volunteers at CCD will need to complete level 1 before February 28th, 2022. You can complete it on line at home in about an hour. To being the training you will need to pay the $20 fee up front. After completing the course, please bring your receipt to CCD office for reimbursement. Here’s the link for the training.


National Church Life Survey
The hard copies of Survey Forms have finally arrived and we are set up to participate in the 2021 NCLS. With the delay in receiving the forms, and now with Christmas upon us and lingering Covid restrictions, it’s been suggested that we roll out the survey when the new vicar arrives in January with the view of having it all completed by due date at end of February 2022. Thanks for your patience.
I hope to see you on Sunday.

Blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Rev. Tanya