One of my favourite Leunig Poems goes like this;
God give us rain when we expect sun.
Give us music when we expect trouble.
Give us tears when we expect breakfast.
Give us dreams when we expect a storm.
Give us a stray dog when we expect congratulations.
God play with us, turn us sideways and around.
Can you relate?
Life doesn’t always go according to plan! I learn this afresh everyday. Yesterday from a beautiful homeless lady who sleeps in her car with her two dogs and birds, and makes dream catchers to pay off her debts. This is not what she pictured for her life, and never thought she would end up in this situation. But she remains tender hearted, making me a dream catcher, just for giving her a place to work and listening to her story. She touched my heart, and God is using me to touch hers.
God uses those moments when we don’t get what we expect! He uses them to remind us that He has a bigger picture and He has a plan, even when it doesn’t fit exactly with what we planned.
We see this in God’s dealings with the Nation of Israel. They had waited many years for the promised saviour, the messiah, the king! They thought he’d come in power, and in Jesus day, they thought he’d rule with political and military strength. But God had a plan from the beginning which they struggled to understand or get on board with. He sent the saviour through a poor family in humble circumstances, and later the saviour came to them gently and riding on a donkey (not the war horse they were wanting!). They would have done well to humble themselves and receive the gift God was giving them, even though it wasn’t what they expected. Those who did so, were blessed.
Likewise, we are often called to put aside our own plans and expectations to graciously receive what God has for us.
This morning is a classic example! I received a call from Lynton Allen who was scheduled to preach and draw for us this coming Sunday. Sadly, as his health is not great this week, he will not be joining us. Please pray for him.
In addition to this cancellation, I’m aware Alex is away on leave, and I’m meant to be away on spiritual retreat from Wednesday – Friday (15-17) this week which doesn’t leave much time to prepare something great for Sunday. Regardless, I’m smiling and trusting God even now, as I’m sure He has a plan and a sense of humour!
Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice! (Phil 4:4)
Please come with curious and humble hearts to one of our services this Sunday, to find out what God has in store for us. It might not be what you were expecting!?
We continue to run the vaccinated only 9am service and the unstated 10:30am service this week.
I hope to see you also at one of our Christmas Services, times listed below.
Give the gift of Clean Water, a Goat or a chicken to some one in the 3rd world!!!
The stall will be open on Sunday 19th of December in the Foyer before & after the10.30 service & on Friday 24th December before & after the 5pm service.
– For many to come to saving faith in Jesus through our witness this Christmas time (at market and shop singing, church services, and through friendly conversations).
– For the homeless people who cant access resources on site at CCD over the Christmas period. Pray especially for God to bless Marita, and for Lisa to get a rental property ASAP.
– For those newly baptised and seeking Baptism to grow as Christ’s disciples.
– For the Vicarage renovations and funds needed. Give thanks for those who’ve already contributed to this project. May the rest of the needed funds come in!
– For all those struggling with finances, and those who’ve lost jobs recently; for job opportunities and God’s provision.
– For more willing volunteers to join our gardening and maintenance teams.
– For more volunteers for our Op Shop team.
– For a volunteer or paid person to take care of our Jumping Castle Hires.
– Pray for one another!
– Pray Alex enjoys time on leave this week and finishes his time well at CCD.
– For God’s sustaining power for Tanya as she manages all on her plate. And for some rest in January.
– For Richard, the incoming Vicar to settle in quickly in early January.
– For Baden to finish well at CCD and be richly blessed in his new Chaplaincy role beginning term 1, 2022.
– Praying for God’s choice of Children’s and youth minister for next year.
God bless you as we move into this Christmas with open hearts that are curious and humble enough to receive the unexpected, and be grateful.
God’s will be done in all things at all times!
Rev. Tanya