Today I read this definition of Revival: An improvement in the condition, strength, or fortunes of something or someone. It caused me to pray for Jesus to bring about revival in the Body of Christ at CCD.
I personally know that an improvement in the condition and strength of a physical body is something worth praying for. I’d been feeling tired and unwell with some health issues for a while. Though, I didn’t realise how unwell I’d been feeling until I woke up today feeling great! The antibiotics have kicked in and now I have all the energy and enthusiasm for living life to the full! It made me realise that when we are unhealthy and in survival mode we don’t always realise how unhealthy we are until we are made healthy and whole again.
Likewise, if any Church has been operating in unhealthy ways or in survival mode for a while, it might not realise how unhealthy it is, and until the Church experiences revival, it may not know the difference!
Looking at the letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation has helped us realise that the Church needs revival, and changing Covid times have shown us that our systems and the ways we do things need renewal.
Currently, our Parish Council is working through the Parish Renewal documents put out by the Diocese to Reimagine the Future of the Church. Please pray for us as we do this. Also, pray for our Church to experience Revival, and for the Church worldwide; for an improvement in its condition, strength and fortunes.
Our systems need renewal.
Our people need Revival!
And so, we pray “Come, Lord Jesus, Come”
This Sunday, Rev. Tanya will be preaching a message on part of Revelation 22.
Join us 10:30am this Sunday on YOUTUBE to watch the pre-recorded service premier. After the Youtube service, you might like to join us on zoom for fellowship &/or Prayer Ministry.
Check your inbox on Saturday for the links to Sunday’s service on youtube and fellowship on zoom.
On fathers day our service will be on zoom so more people can participate in this special service. If you are having trouble setting up a zoom account please ask Roanna or another tech-savvy person for help before that Sunday so you can join us on that day.
You are invited to join our zoom service team to help plan, coordinate and run our Sunday zoom services and recordings. If you can turn on a computer and click a button you have what it takes to actively participate in helping to run our online services. Please speak to Tanya about your possible involvement and availability.
Roanna has made it easy for us to access Right Now Media. Simply click HERE and follow the prompts. We might as well use this resource while we have it! Feel free to donate towards the cost of this resource if the Spirit leads you. Donations large and small are appreciated.
The Care Club! – Robyn is currently taking expressions of interest from those who would like to join a group (for adults) & be part of 5 weekly sessions of The Care Club on Zoom. The Care Club – looks at what the Bible says about caring. It considers how we, the church and community care for each other and the world, and offers easy weekly practical projects based mainly on caring for plants, animals and people. Email Robyn for more info.
Great news! Some of our Connect Groups are starting up online. If you’d like to join one, please speak with Howard, or one of the leaders directly.
– Continue to pray for Afghanistan
– For Janis’ mother in law (Gerry’s mum), for safety in the home and a willingness to go into care when the need arises.
– For 6-year-old Patrick with a Brain Tumour
– For Kellie; for her health; wisdom for a correct diagnosis & appropriate treatment, and for her mum as she cares for Kiri.
– For those grieving the loss of loved ones at this time.
– For those struggling with mental health issues and/or loneliness.
– For Jesus to come & bring about revival in each one of us.
– That we will all shine for Jesus and draw others to Him
Thank you for being faith-filled people of prayer.
Continue to persevere!
Our God will reward you on the day of Jesus Christ.
Till then, we pray… “Come, Lord Jesus, Come!”
In Christ,
Rev. Tanya