This week’s bible reading is especially special to me. God told me when I was seeking Ordination as an Anglican Priest that He had placed before me an open door that no one can shut! He was true to his word (as always!). I would have loved to bring you the message this Sunday, though my dear brother David wanted to preach and I said yes because I always enjoy his preaching!

David will bring us the message this Sunday on Revelation 3:7-13, the letter to the Church in Philadelphia. Please read the passage before Sunday and ponder; Is it possible to be part of a church with which God is pleased? If so, what kind of Church is it? I am sure it’s not measured by the size of buildings, or financial giving, or numbers on rolls. Maybe we can get a clue in the words Jesus uses to commend the Church in Philadelphia. May we listen to His words for us at this time!

Next week on August 22nd, Alex will bring a message, then I’ll finish off the series in Revelation with chapter 22 on August 29th… I can’t wait to share what I’ve been learning in this amazing book. Some of what I’ve gleaned is from some training material on Rightnow media. If you haven’t yet accessed it to have a look and want to; Here’s a link to click on: . Go to Log in, Then type in Christ Church Dingley, then enter your details and browse. For more help please contact Roanna or Jessica.



Please join us on Zoom for this Sunday’s service. Click on the link below to join the zoom meeting by 10:25am for a 10:30am start:
Meeting ID: 843 5685 3826

One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
        +61 3 7018 2005 Australia

Note: There’s a poll in our Facebook group asking for feedback on whether you prefer zoom or youtube services when we are unable to meet in person. If you don’t use Facebook, please let us know via email what your preference is. Your feedback is appreciated.

For this Sunday, Baden has prepared this activity booklet for the children at home, and they may also enjoy this program: 


Did you know Meredith receives our missionary’s correspondence and prepares a monthly prayer focus for us. Thanks, Meredith!

This month we are asked to Pray for Divine Intervention in Myanmar, where the military fight against their own people, on the brink of Civil War. May the military loses its cash flow, & the people keep protesting peacefully.

Also Pray that Barnabas Fund helpers stay safe, as they take risks to supply basic food and shelter to Karen Christians & others who flee to the jungle to escape the violence.

May democracy return!


Prayer is the most important part of our daily walk with Jesus. He loves that intimate communication with us. I encourage you to pray these prayer points as you feel led in your relationship throughout the day, rather than a shopping list to rattle off. May God bless you as you spend that intimate time with him on behalf of others.

Please pray for:
– Peg recovering from a hip operation.
– Jan, Will and Sarah, family and friends, grieving the loss of John and unable to have the special memorial they would have liked this coming Sunday. May God comfort them and give them his peace.
– For those who are lonely and isolated, especially in light of extended lockdown.
– For those with no work and doing it tough.
– Pray for Lisa to get a job and a house soon.
– For families experiencing violence and/or abuse at home.
– For God’s chosen Minister to be sought & appointed for CCD.
– For all we know who are in pain, sick or suffering.
– Pray for your ministers.
– Pray for your state and nation, and all politicians with power in this nation.
– Pray for the impact of Covid to decrease in increasing measure.
– Pray for all who will come, to come to know Jesus.
– Pray we as a church will Know Him, Love Him, and Serve Him, continually.


Thank you for your patience in waiting for the link to watch Wayne’s induction at his new Parish. We wish him well, though couldn’t be there in the flesh. Fortunately, we can be present virtually tonight as they pre-recorded this morning and I have just now, this very minute, received the link to watch;  (Thus the delay in getting this email to you). Feel free to watch online, Premiering at 7:30pm

Have peace!

You remain in my prayers,
