Lockdown In Melbourne | 2nd June

‘Church in the Home’

What a fantastic service the youth presented us with last week with Baden’s wonderful message, on ‘Faith Transforming Anxiety into Trust’,
  Hannes’ confident and warm presentation and Annelise’s prayer via Tanya.
Check the website if you missed it. 

This weekend we will be joining online again for ‘Church in the Home’,
regardless of whether lockdown is extended or not. 
A link will be sent around on Saturday to give you access to the pre-recorded service that will countdown for airing at 10.30 on Sunday.
An associated playlist will be provided for praise and worship in song which you might open before the service so come online at 10am.

Our preacher for this Sunday’s service is David Kranjec with the topic:
‘God’s Response to our Failure is His Restoration.’
Based on John 21:1-25
Vicar on the Move… 

Wayne’s last Sunday at Christ Church will be 27 June. Covid restrictions permitting – this will be a combined 10am service followed by lunch. RSVPs to admin@ccd.org.au or 9551 7871 are required for the lunch.

Wayne’s commencement at the Parish of St Michaels and All Angels Beaumaris will be marked by a commissioning there on the evening of Weds 11 August 7pm. All are welcome to attend. (RSVP to the CCD office is again required for this event)

Kids’ Hope Mentors Needed
Would you love the opportunity to come alongside a young person and encourage them through developing a significant friendship? Who would believe that one hour a week could mean so much to a child?  Yet it does, and so also for those who mentor them. Training will take place in June, so please do not waste any time in letting Tanya know of your interest.

Silent Auction
In support of the work of ‘Hands at Work-Africa’ in Baraka we are holding a Silent Auction to be concluded at Wayne’s farewell.
Items of genuine value and interest are invited to be provided or sourced by the congregation to contribute to this auction. Currently, our prime exhibit is a delectable Hamper of Honey generously provided by Paul Fong Lip. (See picture)
Bids may be made by email or phone to the office. All proceeds go to the work at Baraka.

Great viewing during Lockdown
For those who have not yet discovered it, the largest crowdfunded project of all time is the current serialized movie production of Jesus’ life called ‘The Chosen’. With seven seasons of eight episodes each planned, it is now five episodes into Season Two and an absolute joy to watch. Faithful to the spirit and character of Jesus and the gospels it supplies a creative back story to the familiar events in an utterly authentic historic and cultural setting. The Chosen is a breath of fresh air and grace. (Google ‘The Chosen TV Series’)

Pleasant Tuesday 8 June 2pm – if no lockdown!

For Your Prayers
Pray for all hit hard by the lockdown, especially the elderly and mentally ill, families in conflict and crisis and for all hospital and medical personnel.

  • Pray for those doing Alpha as the course and Alpha Holy Spirit Day are put on hold.
  • Pray for our Young adults to be gathered and assisted to grow in faith.
  • Give thanks for answered prayer as Kingswood Primary School have accepted to partner with us for the Kids Hope Program. Pray for Tanya coordinating and for the recruitment and training of mentors.
  • For others among us whom we know are unwell, suffering, or lonely.
  • For Bishop Paul and Archbishop Philip.
For our State & Federal Governments and leaders.
For Myanmar in the wake of a military coup, the people of India suffering severely from Covid and for relations in the Middle East and people of Gaza in aftermath of devastating conflict.For the Work of the Incumbency Committee
Almighty God, giver of all good gifts:  Look on your Church with grace and guide the minds of those who shall choose a pastor for this congregation, that we may receive a faithful servant who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  (Lutheran Book of Worship, pg. 46)
Mission Matters
Pray for Steve Cooke’s application for a two day a week chaplaincy role in a local Islamic College; for a venue for Afghanis to play volleyball. Soup Makers Needed for Winter Lunches
Please contact Lucy Lettini (0402128773) if you are willing to make a pot of soup for a first Sunday of the month in either winter month of June, July or August.
MMA Bakers of cakes and biscuits needed
Our major supplier of home-baked goods is no longer in action, so we are seeking people willing to bake for the MMA stall on a regular basis or as often as you are able. Please contact Margaret Hastings 9551 2508

 TMA Newstand – http://tma.melbourneanglican.org.au/newsstand


Tanya, Wayne & Baden