Also, the Bishop’s weekly sermon can be found
We can now meet with 10 people in our homes, so why not invite up to 10 people over next Sunday for Church in the Home.
There will be a YOUTUBE playlist ready for 10 am (or you may prefer your own worship music). The service will be premiering on YOUTUBE at 10:30 am. After this, you can enjoy a cuppa and fellowship face to face with those you’ve gathered with, or fellowship on Zoom if you are home alone/isolating. If you’re not isolated, I encourage you to start thinking about whom you might gather within homes next Sunday.
I encourage us to begin meeting again without fear of the virus, while responsibly wearing masks and social distancing. The news and medical experts tell us the virus is here to stay and we need to learn to live with it. They say every one of us will come into contact with someone with the virus in the coming year and those who are vaccinated are less likely to have severe symptoms. It’s up to each of us to stay home if unwell. I’ve heard one person say they are afraid of unvaccinated people. This ought not to be the case. Unvaccinated people are not to be treated as if they have the virus. They, like everyone, are welcome at CCD.
All of our congregation are called to love our brothers and sisters in Christ whether or not they choose to be vaccinated. In Christ, there is no divide. In Christ there is no longer Jew, Gentile, slave, free, Male, female, vaccinated, unvaccinated etc. For you are all one in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:28). You are all parts of the one body, as 1 Corinthians 12 emphasises’ “The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. Some of us are Jew, some are gentile, some are slaves, some are free”, some are vaccinated, some are unvaccinated. But we all have been baptised into one body by one spirit, and we all share in the same spirit. Thus, we are all valued equally as parts of the body of Christ.
Please join us in praying that the vaccination mandates won’t cause division among us here. Having said that I know there are some among us with health concerns and fears of mixing with unvaccinated people, thus we need to be mindful of people in this position and loving towards them. Thus, we are planning to keep providing stay at Home Sunday service options for those who prefer to stay home than mix with others, and plan to run a service specifically for those unable, for medical reasons, to mix with others whose vaccination status is unknown.
For the rest of us, I am excited to say we are planning to run as many “unstated” services as possible – meaning vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike can attend. We can worship together with no divide (in groups of 20 at this stage).
We also will continue to encourage House gatherings on Sunday mornings as a way of being church gathered. So, why not start next week? Start thinking now about whom you might worship and fellowship within the Home next Sunday.
Our parish AGM will be held on ZOOM on November 28th, 2021 at 10:45 am, straight after a 9.30 am zoom service. Nominations for Parish Council, Churchwardens, and Incumbency Committee are now called for. You can access forms HERE. Please return the completed forms to Tanya.
Those who have joined us over the past year and have been habitually attending our online services, and consider CCD their church, are invited to fill in a printable Electoral Roll form to scan and return to tanya@ccd.org.au to become eligible to take full part as a voting member of the meeting. Revision of the Electoral Roll commences in the coming week.
Annual Reports will be emailed out two weeks before the meeting. Please request a printed copy from admin@ccd.org.au if needed. You are encouraged to read thoroughly and raise any questions you have with the writer of the report or give prior notice to the office or Tanya of any general questions to enable considered responses to be given in the meeting.
The Op Shop AGM will be held on Monday 15th of November on-site at CCD. You are welcome to join us if you are interested in getting involved in this wonderful ministry.
OP SHOP COVID UPDATE: The diocese has updated their Covid restrictions and now it is compulsory that all our Op Shop Volunteers are immunised against Covid-19. Shoppers who enter the shop can be Vaccinated or unvaccinated – we will NOT be policing their status as they enter. They are still required to scan in and wear a mask (unless exempt). Our Op shop reopens in November.
A CAP course will run at CCD on Thursday evenings; November 11 & 18, 2021. For more information contact Roger Hendrickse.
Last year, over 1.3 million children made a decision to follow Christ after receiving a shoebox and choosing to participate in The Greatest Journey follow-up discipleship program!
If you would like to fill a shoebox this year to bless underprivileged children, you can pick up a pre-printed one from Koorong or use a regular shoebox to fill with toys, school supplies and hygiene items for a child in a particular age group.
Rosemary Box is willing to drop filled shoeboxes off at Koorong before November 14. Speak to Rosemary for more information.
– For those we know recovering from operations, in rehab, in pain or unwell: Alan, Pat B, Janet F, Eunice A, Brandon.
– For love and unity in our Parish despite different opinions and vaccination statuses.
– For wisdom for Tanya and our leaders as we plan towards re-opening services on November 7th.
– For everyone struggling at the moment with mental health
– For Job opportunities for Steve and Dearne Cooke
– For all those struggling with finances, including business owners who haven’t survived Covid, those desperate to recover, and those who’ve lost their jobs, including those who’ve resigned rather than have the Covid Vaccine.
– For those who will benefit to attend the CAP course in November.
– For all of us to adjust gracefully to living with Covid, and for God’s protection over all His people.
Let us love one another, and pray and support one another as Christ compels us to, regardless of Covid.
Every blessing to you in Christ Jesus,