Where do you find your Hope?

What a privilege that in the midst of constantly changing restrictions and circumstances we are indwelt by the God of hope. I heard a quote yesterday from theologian Jurgen Moltmann who reasoned that since God is the God of the future as well as the past and present, he is in the future ahead of us, and he goes with us into the future. So, full of uncertainty as the future may be for us now, God has it and us in hand. He is there to greet us in it, as well as accompanying us on the way toward it.
Paul writes of this hope: ‘I pray that God, who is the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.’ Roms 15:13

And this hope is not for ourselves alone…

John Pilbrow has contributed the following scripture and thought for our reflection.
But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.    (Jeremiah 29:7)
What this speaks to me [John] is that we pray for everyone, particularly at this time. As Christians we are required to do our bit for the benefit of all. In other words, we Christians are not to think of ourselves as a sort of protected enclave. We’re all in this together!

Please join in the following prayer…

Our Bishop’s Covid 19 Prayer

 O God our heavenly Father,
Your son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the Great Physician, who healed the sick, cured the blind and deaf and raised the dead, and who, throughout all history, holds dominion over disease and death:
In your mercy to this world, arrest and eradicate this coronavirus. Heal the afflicted and comfort those who have suffered from this scourge; so that those who suffer may know your healing heart and hand, that those who are anxious or burdened may know your comfort and peace that passes understanding, that the watching world may know your sovereign authority, prevailing power, mercy, and grace, and that all may come to know, love and worship you; we ask in the name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.


With Stage 4 restrictions no staff are permitted to work from the church office, nor anyone be on site for any reason. That means no drop offs of any goods or any gardening work. Permitted exceptions are the staff team of no more than five people pre-recording the weekly service on Thursday afternoons and the essential service provided by Emergency Resources on Wednesdays.
Staff will all be available, however, working from home at their usual times on mobile phone and email. Mairead works Mon, Weds and Lisette: Tues, Thurs and have access to office email. Tanya’s day off is Sat and Wayne’s is Friday.
Currently our talented admin staff – Lisette and Mairead – are busy implementing a new online Church Management System that will greatly improve the storing and accessibility of information for staff and ministry leaders as well as congregation, integrating all data and info systems into one place with increased capacity for innovation.

Tanya is focussed on getting the new zoom service happening this month alongside her prolific pastoral contact, EHS group and preaching duties.

Wayne is organising the follow up course-Emotionally Healthy Relationships -planned for Term 4 – as well as facilitating two current EHS groups. Communication with staff and leaders is constant for us both and admin is always demanding attention. One project most will be unaware of is major repair to our downstairs meeting area which was damaged by a blocked toilet overflow brought on by the freeway works nearby. Their insurance will cover all costs. Carpet and contaminated plaster has been removed, hygiene testing done and builders will soon be on site commencing repair work.

Josie has all the finance numbers doing her bidding and Baden is keeping the youth and children engaged on Friday nights (yth) and Sundays (kids). Don’t miss Baden at his creative best on youtube this Sunday and Tanya has put in another ripper of a message for this Sunday from John 15:1-17.
And the amazing Jessica has produced a brand new CCD website design ripe to launch. Watch this space!

New Zoom Praise & Prayer Service with Holy Communion.

As mentioned last week, it is planned to commence an informal service of Praise and Prayer via Zoom on the fourth Sunday of each month and you are warmly invited to be part of it!

This will start on Sunday 23 August at 5pm. It will incorporate live worship and invite interaction in the sharing of prophetic words and testimony. A link will be provided in that week’s email and all are welcome. The service will aim to run for an hour. Please pray for Tanya as she gathers a team for this new service and feel free to contact Tanya to help or for further details.

Learning to Love Well through ‘Emotionally Healthy Relationships’

Keep an eye out for our follow up course to EHS, Part 2 of ‘Emotionally Healthy Discipleship’ called ‘Emotionally Healthy Relationships’.
It is not necessary for people to have done EHS to register for EHR. All are welcome.
Starting the first week of Term 4 in Oct. See 2 min promo here.

Maddv Longlife Milk

Please take direct to Neighbourhood Centre Weds mornings – 9-11am
Those willing to assist as volunteers – please contact Marion on 0429857509.

Further Prayer needs

Please pray for S, having treatment for prostate cancer, B and R for healing, peace and effective medical assistance. Pray for N, nursing in aged care under great stress; for J  following a complex operation on a damaged shoulder. Pray for E, giving thanks that she is home, and pray for the return of enduring strength to her legs. Continue praying for complete healing and recovery for C, A, J, J, J, P and S, L and F, C, A. Pray for God’s comfort for Roger and for N – for grace upon N’s witness to the people of her retirement village in great need of Jesus as she has requested. Pray for Greenwood Mews and Manor, for the love of Christ to touch and open many hearts to his grace and goodness.

All are welcome to join in prayer on zoom for those above and other matters:
Saturday 8-9am Prayer MeetingLink    Weds Midday Prayer MeetingLink

God bless you,

Wayne on behalf also of Tanya and the staff team.