It was wonderful to celebrate our 148th anniversary together on ZOOM last Sunday. Thanks to all who shared and testified to God’s faithfulness to all His people over the years at CCD. God is good!
“He is good indeed!”… I hope you responded!?
This morning’s earthquake reminded me of God’s goodness, kindness and grace. Most Victorians have never experienced an earthquake on that scale. I hadn’t, and I felt quite scared at the time because I didn’t know what was happening. There is also much uncertainty alongside the crazy chaos of what’s going on in Melbourne currently, and I don’t like the new and unusual “control” that the government is now having over our lives and freedoms. We haven’t experienced these things before. Yet, in the earthquake, I was reminded that our sovereign God who created the universe is still sovereign and way bigger than what we have all been focussing on.
I think we all need a little shaking up now and then to help us get a better perspective and remind us whom we ought to be focussing on. We are reminded to “set our minds on things above”. We are reminded to fellowship with God, not with our problems. God wants us to spend time focussing on him and enjoying our relationship with him. Are you making this your priority each day?
Today, our prayer group focussed on what it means to focus on seeking God’s face (not what we want from him). I find when I do that… when I spend quality time with God, I can live out the life He desires for me with strength, confidence and fruitfulness. The opposite is also true. When we stop drawing close to Him through His word and stop spending time in His presence and soaking in His love, we can more easily move into confusion, fear and we may even doubt our salvation.
If you need assurance of your salvation, I hope you will find it this week as we continue through our sermon series in 1 John. This week Alex will preach on chapter 3:19-4:6. I encourage you to read and meditate on these verses and soak in the assurance of your salvation. Romans 8 also will encourage you. And of course, you can talk to one of your pastors. We are praying for you.
Prayer with our ministry team will also be available after the service on zoom this Sunday. The ZOOM link will be sent out on Friday, so keep an eye on your inbox.
– Pray for our year 12 students, and those doing year 12 subjects.
– Steve C job opportunity with AMES, helping Afgan’s arriving in Australia.
– For Afghanistan and refugees as you feel led.
– For Patrick G recovering from back surgery.
– Pray for miraculously quick recovery and reduced pain for Janet F following an operation on all her toes.
– Peg C recovering from a Hip Operation.
– For Dennis and Robyn B family as they grieve the loss of Deb. Thanks to all who have prayed with them and Deb in the battle. May God comfort them with His love and peace.
– For Monika grieving the loss of her mum, and all we know grieving the loss of loved ones.
– For Alan D struggling with mental health issues. Please pray for miraculous healing for him.
– For those struggling financially, and businesses having to close down. Pray especially for Pip that her business will recover.
– That more and more people will seek and find Christ during Covid.
– That we will truly love one another in thought, word and deed, and keep connected with others even in lockdown.
– Praise God for encouraging sharing last Sunday on zoom.
– For God to guide us on the Pathway to reopening (with so many restrictions in place).
Here’s the news we have been waiting for:
We expect to be holding services live on-site beginning on Sunday, November 7th. We will still need to implement the 4 square meter rule which means 51 people may attend services in the auditorium, for services held only for people vaccinated.
We will also hold separate services for non-vaccinated people or not stated vaccination status peeps with a cap of 20 people per service. Vaccinated and non-vaccinated people alike can attend these services.
Children under 16 may attend either service.
As of November 5; The Op Shop may open and neither the staff or customers must be vaccinated.
Home groups of up to 10 visitors can also meet regardless of vaccination status.
Other groups such as church groups and hirers, can also resume with restrictions on vaccination status (1 person per 4 square meters for vaccinated people, or max 20 people unvaxed or unstated).
Please speak to Tanya or Alex for more clarification if required.
Roanna is updating the data needed for Elvanto (our new church database) which includes the updated Parish Directory some of you are asking for. Please email directly for the link to the form. Feel free to include your birthday so we can celebrate with you when it comes around. All children and youth’s birthdates are required.
Thank you.
Rev. Tanya