Below you will find the link button to youtube where you can hear yesterday’s message from Rev. Tanya on Revelation 2:18-29; Christ’s letter to the Church in Thyatira.
We are blessed to have such a wonderful team working behind the scenes to make it possible to have services live on site and quality recordings for those at home.
Today, I want to give a BIG “Shout out!” and say thank you to our sound and Powerpoint team in our 10:30am service who have gone the extra mile to record the message for us.
Special thanks also goes to Roy for uploading some past sermons this week so you can look back on youtube and hear the one’s you’ve missed in this Revelation series. (Note: some are just sound recordings rather than video’s).
I also want to express our true appreciation to Janis who has been serving on PowerPoint for both the 8:30am and 10:30am services whilst in the Peace Worship Centre (auditorium).
Thank you to all who serve us so faithfully at CCD.
It’s awesome being in the ministry of our Lord together and worshipping with you each week.
May God bless you as you listen and hear his word for you this week especially.
Blessings and peace,