Alex will be preaching this Sunday on Sardis – the Dead Church in Revelation 3! We hope you can join us either at 8:30am or 10:30am. Both services will be held in the Peace Worship Centre which holds 51 people for each service. Overflow will be seated in the auditorium and foyer areas. Click here to pre-register your attendance.
Baden has a great Children’s program planned for during the 10:30am service. For those children unable to attend, here’s the activity booklet to keep you busy at Home, plus a program to watch on the Ten Commandments:
For those unable to join us live, we trust the technology serves us and the sermon Alex will preach will be uploaded on Youtube on Monday.
There are lots of good things happening in and around CCD!
On Thursday, 5th of August, John and Susan celebrate their 60th Wedding anniversary – Congratulations!
Congratulations also to Peshaly and Vidya also recently celebrated a wedding anniversary – 28 years together!
Pleasant Tuesday Communion Service in on this coming Tuesday at 2pm. All welcome!
The restrictions on church group meeting numbers have been lifted so you can have as many people as you like (up to 100) provided you are abiding by the spatial restrictions of one person per 4 square meters. This means 17 people can meet in the Multipurpose room, 17 in Attenborough Hall, 26 in the Heritage Church, 11 in the Atrium, 15 in the foyer, and 51 in the auditorium. Please be mindful of the number of people in each space as you run your groups/meetings on site.
We give thanks that Marlize De Beer has risen to the challenge of becoming our Compliance Officer. Marlize is easy to approach, helpful and kind. She brings a pastoral approach to helping all our volunteers meet Diocesan and government standards for ministry. Thank you Marlize for undertaking this role and carrying it out in such a caring way.
There are initially 8 Connect Groups that we will be promoting and inviting people to consider joining one. Listed below are details of all the Groups we currently have running/starting up. Please contact the leader directly or Howard on 0427 846688 to express interest in joining a group or for more information.
Leader: Robin M
Assistant Lead: Sue B
Day/Time: Mon afternoon 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Frequency: Weekly
Venue: Dingley Village
Leader: Ruth A
Assistant Lead: Alex K
Day/Time: Tues afternoon 2.00pm – 3.30pm
Frequency Weekly (except when Pleasant Tues afternoon service is on)
Venue: Atrium at Church
Leader: Jeff A – (Men’s Group)
Day/Time: Tues evening 8.00pm – 10.00pm
Frequency Fortnightly
Venue: Rotates between Group members houses
Leader: Greg S
Assistant Lead: John K
Day/Time: Tues evening 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Frequency Fortnightly
Venue: Multi-Purpose Room at Church
Leader: Denis B
Assistant Lead: Meredith B
Day/Time: Wed afternoon 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Frequency Weekly
Venue: Dingley Village (Meredith’s house)
Leader: Geraldi
Assistant Lead: Howard C
Day/Time: Wed evening 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Frequency Weekly
Venue: Dingley Village (Geraldine’s house)
Leader: Illodi J
Assistant Lead: (TBA)
Day/Time: Wed evening 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Frequency Weekly
Venue: Highett (Illodi’s & Louren’s house) AND by Zoom (Hybrid mtg)
Leader: Beatrice W
Assistant Lead: Di F
Day/Time: Thurs afternoon 12.00midday – 2.00pm
Frequency Fortnightly
Venue: Atrium at Church
There’s a possibility of a couple more groups being established in the future-focussed more towards Young Adults, and another on people in the 30’s/40’s, which will be awesome… So stay tuned for that!
Prayer is the powerhouse of this Parish! Will, you join us on Wednesdays at midday or 8am Saturday mornings to pray together? Whether you pray with others or alone at home, please remember these people in your prayers:
- Please continue to uphold Jan, and Johns children especially in their time of grief.
- Pray for a church family going through a challenging separation and settlement.
- Pray God will strengthen everyone in our church community through connect groups.
- Pray for the Kids’ Hope program to begin in Kingswood primary soon.
- Pray for the orphans in Africa by name (there is a list at the back of the Auditorium).
- Prayer for Steve; pray for part-time work for him on top of ministry time. You can read his latest newsletter here.
- Pray for Mecka.
- Thank God for 3 things every day!
- August 10th; Pleasant Tuesday at 2pm is ON!
- August 21st; Professional Standards Seminar for all serving at CCD – IS CANCELLED! The diocese will let us know when online training is produced and available.
- August 29th; CAP Money guest speaker, with CAP course running on September 9 & 16.
- September 19th; Church Anniversary.
Would you like to be part of the planning committee? - December 24th; Family Christmas Service. Would you like to join the planning team?
Please speak to Rev. Tanya about any role’s you’d like to serve in. We love to see all God’s people actively participating together as the body of Christ.
You are in our prayers,
Tanya, Baden, Alex