Greetings in Christ’s name,
In our service this week we move into chp 5 of the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course – ‘Enlarge your Soul through Grief and Loss.’ The reading is from Matthew 26:36-44: Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Honest heartfelt prayer in times of grief, leading to surrender to God’s purposes, helps us to experience God’s comfort and strength, and in time to grow in compassion for others in their suffering.

Bless you Christ Church Dingley for the outpouring of your love and support of Roger and his precious family in this time of their loss. We give thanks to the Lord for the gift of Evelyn’s time among us, her generous spirit and her deep faith in the Lord Jesus – he who is the Resurrection and the Life!

Helping our Wider Community

MADDV are in urgent need of volunteer helpers for their Wednesday distribution of food vouchers and utility payments, 9-11am. Required skills are a welcoming and kind smile and attentiveness to each person who comes in with ability to follow simple instructions. Please contact Marion Harriden 0429 857 509 if you are able to assist.

 We are also still collecting Long Life Milk weekly for MADDV to distribute to needy families. They have experienced a great increase in people seeking assistance over the last few months. These can still be left in the porch at CCD – though please do so on your way from a shopping trip or in conjunction with another valid cause to be out and about. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Hands at Work – Please see the brief personalised message to Christ Church Dingley from a member of the Hands at Work team.

Pray for African youth reached by Hands at Work who are currently without the protective structure and purpose of school attendance.

Prayers for members of our parish in need

Roger and family, Carol Splade, Arlene, Eunice, Jean Hughes, Patricia, John, Steven, Lucy, Chris Moore and Terry DeFry.
Please continue to pray for one another – you might like to use the Parish Directory to pray through a page a day. Then follow God’s prompting to ring someone you have prayed for.

Our Bishop’s Covid 19 Prayer

O God our heavenly Father,
Your son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the Great Physician, who healed the sick, cured the blind and deaf and raised the dead, and who, throughout all history, holds dominion over disease and death:
In your mercy to this world, arrest and eradicate this coronavirus. Heal the afflicted and comfort those who have suffered from this scourge; so that those who suffer may know your healing heart and hand, that those who are anxious or burdened may know your comfort and peace that passes understanding, that the watching world may know your sovereign authority, prevailing power, mercy, and grace, and that all may come to know, love and worship you; we ask in the name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

TMA Newstand and TMA
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 and July’s edition of TMA can be read


God bless you all,

Wayne on behalf also of Tanya and the CCD staff team.