Weekly Parish News 

As we continue to meditate on the story of Naaman, we can see that Naaman would have missed the miracle, if he had allowed his ego and pride to reject, the beautiful healing God was offering him through the little girl, Elisha and the servants. Praise God!!, he listened and humbled himself The Bible tells us in James 4:6, God rejects the proud but gives grace to the humble (NIV). Humility is not optional for a Christian but a requirement. God in Christ gave us the ultimate example to follow by humbling himself to die on the cross for us (Phil 2:8, NIV). We must seek to walk humbly before our God (Micah 6:8, NIV), when we learn to be humble with God, humility with others will follow. No person can live in wickedness yet claim to walk humbly with God. Walking with Christ transforms us more and more into his likeness (2 Cor 3:18, NLT). Don’t miss the miracle through pride.

Be kind and considerate. 

All of us have come through two hard years of lockdown and restrictions, please show kindness to one another and live peaceably with others. Please extend graciousness in word and deed.


We give thanks 

For Tanya, God has called her to minister in Mt Eliza, we pray that she will prosper and be a light and salt to the people in the Mornington Peninsula.


For Baden, May the Lord bless him and prosper his ministry.

For all our volunteers.

Please join us this Sunday as we farewell Tanya and Baden.


Children’s and Youth Ministry Worker Position– Anglican Parish of Christ Church Dingley

Christ Church Dingley is a parish in the Evangelical-Pentecostal tradition, we are seeking a person for a 12 hr per week paid role partnering with church parents and the church community to mentor and disciple the children and youth of the congregation. The main responsibility is to run an effective Sunday morning Primary age and a Friday night youth program. This entails choice of curriculum and training and mentoring of our young leadership team. Theological qualifications and experience preferable. There is scope for the role to grow. Please contact Rev. Richard Loh for details – 0481 158 059 or admin@ccd.org.au 

For more information about Christ Church Dingley please visit the website www.ccd.org.au

Children’s and Youth Minister – Summary Role Description

In consultation with their supervisor, to establish a Bible-centred and educationally based approach and curriculum for use with Children’s Church and with the Youth, considering the age range and stages of development of the participants.

  • To coordinate and roster the Children’s Church and Youth team to present this program.
  • To conduct leaders’ team meetings for training, communication and encouragement.
  • To be well acquainted with Child Safe and health and safety requirements and ensure compliance in the running of the program.
  • To build rapport with and liaise with parents of the children and youth.
  • To regularly pray for and with the children, youth and leadership team.
  • To liaise with the Pastor, staff and service leaders in preparation of intergenerational services and events.
  • To present an annual report to the Parish AGM.
  • You will be required to have clearances from the Diocese of Melbourne before commencing in this role.



Saturday 5th February, 9.30 – 1.30pm

Our opening days from then on are.

Wednesdays 9.30 – 4pm

Thursdays 9.30 – 1.30pm

Saturdays 9.30 – 1.30pm

We are taking donations once again …. but can ONLY accept good clean saleable items.  We CANNOT take any Used Bedding, any Electrical items or No baby equipment, such as highchairs, car seats, prams etc.  

And if anyone would like to help in the Op Shop and volunteer some time, I would love to hear from them?

Julie Carne 


Safe Ministry Training 

We want to take the time to thank you for volunteering with Christ Church Dingley.  
The Diocese has recently updated the volunteer training process, and you will find a letter attached. You can choose to do the training online (if you have access to a laptop you can do it in your own time by the 28th February) or in-person from 10am – 12pm at the Church (no laptop or phone required)

Saturday 29th January or

Saturday 19th February

If you choose online, can you please inform Marlize of the date of completion (marlize@ccd.org.au). Otherwise, if you would like to book in-person training, respond to this email with the preferred date.  

Marlize DeBeer

M.M.A Stall

Will resume next Sunday 6th February from 8.00 to 1.00pm.
We would appreciate anyone who would like to Bake for the stall.
Look forward to seeing you at the stall

Thanks, Dawn



The Vicarage is still being prepared for the Loh family to live in, and donations are welcome to help with that. Feel free to donate as you are able.

Please email Richard or call if you require pastoral support.
Email: richard@ccd.org.au  Phone: 0481158059