Each year we celebrate Christ Church Dingley’s establishment and dedication on September 21st, 1873. This year is no different! Though we can’t meet to worship and lunch together on-site, we will celebrate on ZOOM with a smorgasbord of song, stories, reflections, prayers, and Rev. Tanya will bring a brief word from 1 John 3:1-18.
It is said that when the apostle John got too old to walk others would carry him to church gatherings and sit him down. He was no longer able to preach or lead the congregation, still, the believers would sit at his feet and wait to hear wise and profound words. He would always graciously and gently say “Little children, love one another.” That’s it!. I get the same sense from reading 1 John as he reminds the readers over and over again that they/we are the children of God and to love one another. He gives the same message in ever-widening and deepening circles through chapters 2, 3, 4, & 5.
I sense this what God is wanting to remind us of at this time… That we are His children and we are called to love one another in truth and deed. Just as many of you are already continually doing.
Today I encourage you to reflect on these truths; that in and through your faith in Jesus Christ your salvation is fully assured, and you are loved by God and His people here at CCD.
This week let us recall & remember the faithfulness of God and His people in years gone by. Please come on Zoom this Sunday willing to hear or share fond memories of what God has done in and through His people who gather as Christ Church Dingley. The ZOOM link for Sunday will be sent out on Friday so keep an eye on your inbox.
Please pray and consider being involved in:
– Gardening/Mowing on a roster basis
– Zoom Services Tech. team.
– Pastoral care may include: phoning others, providing meals and practical care.
Thank you so much to those who have already lovingly responded. May God bless your faithfulness and willingness to serve God and His people.
– Steve & Deanne Cooke lost their jobs due to international borders closing. ***Please pray for Steve’s online interview with AMES Tomorrow / Thursday at 10.30am. He would like to work AMES to help Afghans adjust to life in Australia when they get out of quarantine. This is likely to be a paid part-time or temporary position. Please pray for him in this process as he doesn’t have the formal qualifications they are looking for, but he certainly does have the experience. May God open the doors.
– For Afghanistan and refugees as you feel led.
– For Patrick G undergoing back surgery on Monday.
– Peg C recovering from a Hip Operation.
– For Monika grieving the loss of her mum.
– For Alan D struggling with mental health issues. Please pray for miraculous healing for him.
– For healing and comfort for all who are ill or in pain.
– For those struggling financially, and businesses having to close down. Pray especially for Pip.
– That more and more people will seek and find Christ during Covid.
– That we will truly love one another in thought, word and deed, and keep connected with others even in lockdown.
– For unity and acceptance of the diversity of our congregation. We are all parts of the one body working together with different roles and functions, for Christ’s purposes and Glory.
– For Marlize in her compliance role.
– For connect groups and Howard as he oversees this ministry.
– For the incumbency committee as they seek to discern God’s next appointed leader for CCD.
– For encouraging sharing this Sunday in the Celebrations of the 148th Anniversary of CCD, and for technological efficiency on ZOOM.
– Please pray for your Pastors; Baden, Alex, and Tanya
Roanna is updating the data needed for Elvanto (our new church database) which includes the updated Parish Directory some of you are asking for. Please email admin@ccd.org.au for the form. Feel free to include your birthday so we can celebrate with you when it comes around. All children and youth’s birthdates are required. Note: If you have no children you still need to scroll right to the bottom of the page to press Submit.
Thank you.
God loves you and so do I.
Rev. Tanya