church news

As the lockdown increases in certain suburbs of Melbourne, moves toward worship services opening in various parishes have stalled. Our focus has been to concentrate on the resumption of small groups meeting in person while observing distancing, sanitising hands and cleaning commonly touched surfaces.

The current interpretation of restrictions from the Bishop is that groups of 20 can meet in any one undivided space for religious purposes. Prayer meetings (interestingly) are restricted to ten people when meeting in person. Our Saturday Morning Prayer meeting is by Zoom. All are welcome.
The link to join this time is here.

Weds midday prayers meet in the Church. Please let Wayne know if you intend to come so that we ensure we do not exceed ten people. Currently we have 6-8 people attending.

Op Shop is not yet ready to open and is still not receiving donations of goods during this time of Covid restrictions.

The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course has about 36 attending on a Weds night spread across three separate spaces. Thurs has 13 attending across two separate spaces. Parish Council meets via Zoom as have been Connect Groups prior to the school holidays. A small team of 4-5 meet Thurs afternoons to record Sunday’s service. 

Two mid-week hire groups are returning to the church for Term 3.
This gives you a bit of a picture of the activity around the church at present.

this week

This Sunday’s service theme introduces Chapter 3 of the EHS book and course – ‘Going Back in order to Go Forward’ which touches on the impact of our past on our present. It invites us to step into the freedom that God has made possible for us. The Scripture passage is Genesis 50:15-21. You may like to become familiar with the background to this passage which is the story of Joseph told in Genesis chapters 37-50.

We are blessed to have as our preacher this week Mr David Kranjec.


We thank God and congratulate everyone for the faithful tithing and generous giving that continues to sustain the ministries and operation of the parish. June’s Offering averaged – $4751 per week – exceeding our revised budget figure of $4500. The Care & Share Fund received $980. This fund makes possible assistance to those who find themselves in urgent financial need. Please speak to Wayne if you are aware of anyone who might qualify for such assistance. Help with vouchers for food and utilities is available from MADDV on Weds mornings at the Neighbourhood Centre in Dingley or with food from Emergency Resources here at CCD from 10am-2pm every Weds during School Term.



Tanzania appeal

This appeal has so far reached $11,875 from sources within and beyond CCD. We praise God and pray for continued response to this need toward our Goal of $25,000. Please pray for Mecka as he oversees the use of this money and the program of education and prevention being carried out by the Tanzanian Anglican Church through its network of Hospitals, Health Centres, Schools and Parishes.


Please continue to uphold those recovering from surgery or undergoing various treatment – A, E, JH and JH, P, J, S, L, CM and TDf.
In our missionary cycle of prayer please continue to pray for East Africa, in such desperate plight from drought, locusts, flooding on top of Covid. Pray for ‘Hands at Work’ and for Barnabas Fund as they respond to this crisis. Pray for Mecka and the Anglican Church and people of Tanzania.


The latest edition of TMA can be viewed here. Some hard copies are available in the church foyer. TMA Newstand with Global Christian news can be accessed here.

God bless you as you continue to reach out and care for one another.
‘See’ you all Sunday. See some of you also at the Bishop’s online service this weekend.
Wayne on behalf also of Tanya and our staff team.