This Sunday we continue through the book of Revelation. Join us on youtube at 10:30am to find out what Alex has to say about the above mentioned passage. Jessica will email out the service link on Saturday.
Tonight! – Wednesday Night Esther Series.
Join us tonight on line at 7:30pm for worship and then hear Bishop Paul talk on Esther chapter 5:
Discussion questions:
1.“When I pray coincidences happen.” (William Temple) When is a coincidence a coincidence and when is it God at work?
2. Why is pride so serious a sin?
3. In what way does Jesus’ life, ministry and death demonstrate coming to scatter the proud in their conceit and lifting up the lowly?
Next Wednesday is the third and final session with the Bishop speaking on Esther 8.
Rightnow Media.
As you stay home this week you might like to check out Righnow media. This is a resource provided by CCD and we are currently assessing the viability of continuing this costly subscription. There’s a poll in our closed facebook group, or you can simply let us know if you use this resource by reply email.
For those who don’t know, Rightnow media is an App which contains every kind of media we could ever think of to help us grow as disciples of christ. Its got everything from Children’s episodes, video illustrations, training, bible studies and conference materials, youth, marriage, parenting, women, and men’s resources. Plus, books of the bible, apologetics, Christian living, doctrine and theology, mental health and recovery, history, mission and outreach. I’m even told there’s a great series on the 7 letters to the churches from Revelation 2 & 3 in there. So, check it out and let us know what you think.
If you need help accessing Rightnow media, the lovely Jessica has offered to assist you. Please get in touch with her if that’s you!
Prayer Meetings
A dedicated group currently gather on line to pray together on Wednesday’s at midday, and each Saturday morning at 8am. You are welcome to join us. Ask Robin Madill for the link.
Prayer Points
In your prayers please remember:
– John for peace and reduced pain as he waits to be moved to Palliative care (or home?), and for Jan; peace and sustaining power to continue supporting John in such a beautiful way.
– For Alan seeking a nursing home where he will be well cared for.
– For those struggling financially.
– Those grieving a loved ones passing. In particular Di, Jo, Roger & families.
– The incumbency committee in discerning God’s will regarding the next leader of this Parish.
– Tanya as she leads the Parish through this time of transition.
– Alex as he settles into CCD.
– Baden as he oversees all our children and youth ministries.
– For Howard as he begins to co-ordinate our connect group ministry, and for leaders to arise to lead new connect groups beginning in August.
– pray we will all be bold to share the gospel in socially acceptable and inviting ways.
Connect Groups
We hope to start up some new connect groups in August to keep us all connected and growing in Christ together. Please take the time to pray & seek the Lord’s will for you in regards to leading a group, hosting a group in your home, or joining a group where you can find a sense of support and challenge to help you grow more like Jesus. Please speak to Howard or Tanya to let them know how God is leading you.
Stay connected, safe & warm…. untill we can meet again.
Tanya, Baden and Alex.