This Sunday we continue through the book of Revelation. David will be preaching on the letter to Smyrna. In this letter, Jesus said “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death” (Rev 2:8-11). Come prepared to be encouraged and challenged!  

Wednesday Night Esther Series.
For the next two Wednesday nights from 7:30pm till 9pm we will host the Bishops talks via livestream at CCD. Join us for an awesome supper at 7:15pm, followed by a time of worship, bible lesson, round table discussion and Q & A time. You might also like to pre-read the chapters beforehand. This weeks pre-readings are chapters 5-7. The Bishop will talk on Esther chapter 5 on July 21, then the following week: (July 28) on Esther 8.

Prayer Meetings
A dedicated group gather to pray each Wednesday at midday in the Heritage Church, and each Saturday morning at 8am in the Peace Worship Centre. You are welcome to join us.

Prayer Points
In your prayer please remember:
– John for peace and reduced pain, and for Jan; peace and sustaining power to continue supporting John in such a beautiful way.
– Thank God John’s daughter has arrived from England was able to see her father. 
– All those who are sick or suffering among us. We pray for healing and comfort. 
– God’s direction to the best nursing home for Alan, who is now in need of full time care. 
– Those who are struggling with relationships at this time, for healing, restoration & peace. 
– Those grieving the passing of loved ones. Remember Di Francis, Jo Tosh, and families. Plus Roger Hendrickse on the first anniversary of Evelyns passing.
– The incumbency committee in discerning God’s will regarding the next leader of this Parish.
– Tanya as she leads the Parish through this time of transition.
– Alex as he settles into CCD. May God use Alex as His instrument in his time here.
– Baden as he oversees all our children and youth ministries. May God bring more youth and children along, and deepen our young people’s faith.
– For Howard as he begins to co-ordinate our connect group ministry, and for leaders to arise to lead new connect groups beginning in August.
– For the building a discipling culture coaching starting next Monday for 7 Key Leaders.
– pray for all sharing the gospel with those who don’t yet know JESUS.  

Mission Matters
Note: the 2016 census showed the most common response of people in the Northern Territory for “Religion “ was “ no religion “! So please pray for:- The newly appointed Children’s Ministry Officer Naomi Ireland, who will work across the Top End &The Hallyburton family about to serve with the Alice Springs Church while being trained to work in more remote areas.

Connect Groups
We hope to start up some new connect groups in August to keep us all connected and growing in Christ together. Please take the time to pray & seek the Lord’s will for you in regards to leading a group, hosting a group in your home, or joining a group where you can find a sense of support and challenge to help you grow more like Jesus. Please speak to Howard or Tanya to let them know how God is leading you.

If you feel prompted to serve in some way at CCD please contact Tanya and start a conversation. We love to see the whole body of christ active and serving in the ways God designed us too. So don’t be shy. Have a go!

Roanna in the office is going well setting up the new database and we can soon have access to make our rosters and contacts and organising easier… Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.

Name Tags
Thanks to all of you who are buying into the idea of having new name tags. We have ordered the name tags and they are expected to arrive early next week. If you opted out of getting a new one, please remember to wear your old one so Alex can learn your names. 

God loves you and so do we,

Tanya, Baden and Alex.